GLI Flea Market 2018 Report
By: Vivian Hir

            On March 24th, 2018, GLI hosted its first Flea Market fundraising event at Windemere Ranch Middle School, which was sponsored by SRV Chinese School. This project was led by Vivian Hir with the help of multiple parents and members. The proceeds raised for the event went to KHEN Cambodia, a NGO organization based in Battambang Province of Cambodia. KHEN Cambodia focuses on providing school supplies and textbooks for children, as well as building schools in the countryside. According to The World Bank, “79% of Cambodia’s population live in rural areas. 50% of the rural population does not have a primary school in the village and standards are often poor in schools that do exist.”  The total money raised was $670, which came from selling donated objects from GLI members, such as books, test prep books, etc. All the money went to build a school in Phnom Russey Village, an isolated village that lacked an actual classroom.Type your paragraph here.

For more information about KHEN Cambodia, go to

